That was fuckin' sweet!
That was fuckin' sweet!
He should take a stick of Dynamite up his ass
Why was Dubya's right leg brown?
This is the best flash movie I have EVER seen
A movie doesn't have to have violence, sex or drugs in it to be good. This movie is an example of that.
The animation was excellent, and was synced extremely well with the music. Speaking of which...
I thought that I had heard the music before...I thank Jerry Goldsmith for composing that music. In my opinion it was the best part of the movie. The music really gave the movie the 'ghosty' feeling that it needed. Not suprising since it was originally composed for a ghost movie (Poltergeist, for those of you who are movie-illiterate).
I gave it a 3 for violence because although it actually contained none, it did contain a ghost and it doesn't take a mastermind to work out how you become a ghost.
All in all, this movie is nearly an act of genius.
I say 'nearly' because I think that it could have been longer.
Well, I've had my 10 cents (Or whatever it is you Americans say), so I'll just sit back and watch as my review is replaced in moments by some hick saying that this is "gay".
It's on TV!
This movie is so good it was featured on British TV today (British Mean Time)
Could somebody hand me the Chlordiazepoxide, please?
Umm, what!?
Can anyone else smell shit?
I think this author needs to change his movie.
I would have used just the words in my summary to review the movie by - but then people might have thought of me as retarded. Some of them probably do anyway.
Nevertheless - I found this movie to be an excellent portrayal of a young mans thoughts when his attention span becomes limited. Choice of music was excellent and complemented the visuals. Animation was well done and...
Oh screw this...
And watch it for crying out loud!
This guy has no originality
That completely copied the Simpsons.
For the British only
You'll only understand this if you come from Great Britain and know what Eastenders is.
I've nothing better to do.
Age 38, Male
Great Britain
Joined on 1/9/01